No namespace
Classes summary
Neevo | Core Neevo class. |
NeevoBaseStmt | Neevo statement abstract base ancestor. |
NeevoCacheFile | File cache storage. |
NeevoCacheMemcache | Memcache cache storage. |
NeevoCacheMemory | Memory cache storage. Default implementation of INeevoCache. |
NeevoCacheSession | Session cache storage. |
NeevoConnection | Representation of database connection. |
NeevoDriverMySQL | Neevo MySQL driver (PHP extension 'mysql') |
NeevoDriverMySQLi | Neevo MySQLi driver (PHP extension 'mysqli') |
NeevoDriverPgSQL | Neevo PostgreSQL driver (PHP extension 'pgsql') |
NeevoDriverSQLite2 | Neevo SQLite 2 driver (PHP extension 'sqlite') |
NeevoDriverSQLite3 | Neevo SQLite 3 driver (PHP extension 'sqlite3') |
NeevoLiteral | Representation of SQL literal. |
NeevoLoader | Autoloader responsible for loading Neevo classes and interfaces. |
NeevoObserverMap | The map of observers - instances of INeevoObserver. |
NeevoParser | NeevoStmt to SQL command parser. |
NeevoResult | Represents a result. Can be iterated, counted and provides fluent interface. |
NeevoResultIterator | Result set iterator. |
NeevoRow | Representation of a row in a result. |
NeevoStmt | Class for data manipulation statements (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) |
Interfaces summary
INeevoCache | Neevo cache storage interface. |
INeevoDriver | Interface implemented by all Neevo drivers. |
INeevoObservable | Neevo observable interface. |
INeevoObserver | Neevo observer interface. |
Exceptions summary
NeevoDriverException | Neevo driver exception. |
NeevoException | Main Neevo exception. |
NeevoImplementationException | Exception for features not implemented by the driver. |